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Best type of protein supplement

I read about the importance of protein for longevity and health span. Would you recommend collagen or protein and do you recommend a brand or type of the above? I just tried Great Lakes Collagen. But I know there are hundreds of types.

Getting the common cold and working out

Hey I love more information on working out when you might have a common cold. How you might change your nutrition during that time. How are you might change your workouts. Just finished the book. It was very insightful and actionable. I was surprised on the final chapter. WOW very powerful. Thank you for including the personal side. In doing so you have made mental health less of a stigma and more relatable.

Cholesterol Medications

Dr. Attia, I am on zetia and rovustation (low dose 10 mg and 5 mg). My liver enzymes were perfect and are now elevated slightly. My APOB and other such cholesterol markers were high and I want to stay medicated. If one of your clients liver enzymes elevate with that you use what is your next best option? Stay on the statin, increase it? Thank you for all you do


I am a primary care doctor and have found all your lipid material beyond helpful. Some of my patients push back when I recommend lowering their high Apo B because another provider checked oxidized LDL and was low. Do we know this to be true?

For us shift workers…

Hi Peter, I am a physician who does not have a choice in working nights and having a variable sleep schedule. It is quite painful to be constantly reminded of how important it is to always get good sleep, and to hear all the esoteric ways in which people optimize their sleep to a T. That is not an option available to, say, a critical care doc like me. Since there are those of us who have to stay up all night several times a month to keep others healthy, do you think you could devote some time to talking to us shift workers in particular about ways to mitigate the harmful effects of this kind of sleep deprivation? Thanks!