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heat shock protocals

I am 68 yrs old with BP of 76/130, 157 lb, 5'8'', VO2 max in the 47 & do 6-8 mile runs at zone 2. I have been using my dry sauna @ 200 degrees for 1 hr session 3 times a week with no adverse reactions. Is this too much?

Key prevent services for value-based care systems

It seems like in order for healthcare systems to successfully transform to a value-based care model, prevention needs to be at the forefront of Providers and Payors mind - What are some of the key services, screenings, tests, products etc. that you think systems should be focused on implementing if they want to add value to via better prevention?

Bone Density and ways to Improve

Hi Peter, I completed my first dexa scan a few months ago. Everything seemed okay, except I noticed that my bone density was in the 60th percentile range. I have not heard you talk specifically about bone density, but by the way you talk about other markers, I don't think you would be happy with just 60th percentile. Could you go over the importance of bone density and the ways to improve bone density? For context, I'm 23 years old with a z & t score of 0.3. I lift weights 3x/week and train BJJ 4-5x/week. One of my short term goals is to become more physically resilient and avoid injury in a contact sport. Obviously, long term I want to avoid catastrophic damage from falling too. Thanks!

How to balance benefits seen in RCTs plant based diet vs poorer protein quality

The podcast and book skips over a lot of the RCT evidence for vegan or plant based diets. I understand protein quality is an issue, but an argument can be also made that excess protein worsens insulin resistance. I would like an AMA to discuss vegan diets to healthspan and some of the popular books on this topic like How not to die or Proteinaholic. E.g.

TrT effect on estradiol

Does estradiol increase proportionally to testosterone levels? Ultimately, if estradiol is high, is there ever a reason to treat with anastrazole, or does this really suggest their level is too high for them (even if just at high end of normal, or free T a little high) and Testosterone dose should be adjusted?