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28 year old left with mild/recovered(54% LVEF) HF from myocarditis induced by COVID or vaccine (who knows..)

Trad med has left me very underwhelmed with regard to preventative/investigative medicine on top of my current problems. I walk 3-5 miles a day, and am working back up to intensive exercise. I believe building and maintaining muscle is going to be very important for me going forward into later years. 3 things I should be monitoring and improving upon (outside of obv, bp, weight, etc)?

ascending aorta dilation

Any thoughts on factoring this risk into decades of aerobic exercise? See JAMA Cardiology May 2020. Interview either Arron Baggish or Tim Churchill. Either would be excellent. My background - 55 yo male runner. 30 miles a week for 30 years. 4.1cm aorta ( root) with none of the typical explanations ( bicuspid, marfans, genetic, etc...) Diagnosed randomly during a CT scan for a life insurance exam.

Environmental Carcinogens

Are there any environmental carcinogens that you take active steps to avoid? Any specific foods, chemical lawn treatments, cosmetic products, receipt BPA, etc. that have enough of a cumulative effect to warrant avoidance?

Does total lipoprotein(a) matter? Or is it the number of KIV-2 repeats?

Dr Attia - I am in the process of reading your book (which is great so far). I just got through the cardiovascular disease chapter and I was reminded of a research piece I saw a few years ago. I reread the piece and it seems to me to indicate that what really matters is not necessarily the total lp(a) number, but the number of KIV-2 repeats. I am specifically referring to figure 3 in the report. I would love to hear you discuss this paper on an AMA. See below for a link:

Thyroid,Statins and ALS

If someone had their thyroid removed then was given a Statin for high Cholesterol can that produce ALS symptoms? If they are then diagnosed with ALS should they continue to take the statin?