Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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What’s the difference between glucose and fructose?

How is Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed?

Do we have biomarkers that can give us some indication of average exposure to fructose over a given period of time?

How much does cognitive activity ward off cognitive decline?

How are sirtuins activated?

What is the difference between prevention versus reducing Alzheimer’s disease?

How can people do everything right and still get Alzheimer’s?

How many different paths lead to Alzheimer’s?

What are the “ABCs” of Alzheimer’s prevention?

Are rapamycin and caloric restriction working through the same mechanism?

Is autophagy (and rapamycin) a double-edged sword in cancer?

Any advice to parents and kids for creating a sustainable environment that’s going to prevent them from running into metabolic problems?

How can we teach kids to be more mindful?

How can we change the food system when 10 companies control almost 90 percent of the calories we consume in the US?

What is your framework for nutrition and fasting?

What are the tactics in your longevity toolkit?

What is your framework for exercise?

What is the difference between healthspan and lifespan?

Are there epigenetic consequences of being obese?

How is appetite being regulated?

Can a nutritional state be exploited and/or a drug sensitivity be exploited through a nutritional intervention?

What are Peter's most gifted or recommended books?

What is the pathology and pathogenesis of atherosclerosis?

What is the most common first presentation of heart disease?

What’s the difference between cholesterol, lipoproteins, LDL-C, LDL-P, and ApoB?

+ 6429 more questions for subscribers