Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Stretching after workout

How long do you stretch after a workout? Does that change depending on the workout, i.e. zone 2, strength, or stability training? If you can share, I would like to know how you break it down in terms of reps and duration of each rep of each stretch you do. I'm trying to figure out if I stretch too much. I probably spend about 30 to 45 min stretching + 15 min compression of my legs afterwards.

Breast Cancer Risk Reduction

For people with a family history of breast cancer as well as some other risk factors of breast cancer (such as not having children before 32 and highly dense breast tissue), what are some breast cancer risk reduction strategies that can be implemented? A whole episode about breast cancer, risk factors, risk reduction strategies, and best interventions for if someone does get diagnosed with breast cancer would be fantastic.

Do you still use the Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test?

I was fascinated to learn about the Boston Heart Cholesterol Balance Test in episode 111, the AMA with case studies. But I've hardly heard you mention this test in more recent podcasts nor in discussion around lipids and ASCVD. Are you still using it? Thank you

Long Covid

Hi Peter, There is an immense amount of garbage out there about covid and the post-viral inflammatory state. So much overlap with mold, etc. I have seen patients getting an incredible amount of blood testing done but the real question is "what is going to make you feel better?" It seems that at the end of the day, all of these vague syndromes are pretty similar. I have been using NAC, low dose naltrexone and ketamine. Others seems to adding HIV meds, statins and so on. I'd appreciate your insight. thanks

Supplement routine

Although everybody's needs will be different depending on there lifestyle and body, what is a good supplement regime to start with? Something everyone would benefit from taking daily.