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Small question about sodium + omad + nocturia

Hi! I watched your AMA on hydration and electrolytes. I'm wanting to really optimize being as hydrated as possible when going to bed without having to pee at night. I've been cutting off meals early to hopefully help with that, and am wondering if I should be taking sodium in my water throughout the day before cutting/tapering liquids off at some point before going to bed. I can't find much info. I guess just tinkering is going to be my go to from here. Cheers 🙂

Can we belief our way to longevity?

In your Sep 11, 2023 journal club with Andrew Huberman, the dose-dependent effect on biological responses due to beliefs was most puzzling. This circuitry is likely highly conserved in all animals that have brains. This leads to several questions: what cortical areas (presumably the home of beliefs) feed into the thalamus, Are these a source for the dose dependent effect? How do these circuits affect other metabolic pricesses? Presumable the belief system in human brains operates as a sort of replacement for what would otherwise be flight/fight responses from the external world and would affect in a very nuanced way many other processes. Can we believe our way to longevity??? Is that a very large contributor to longevity? Can we measure that in the brain?


As a member of your site I know how important protein intake is to you. How and what do you do when you are traveling and away from your normal routine?

Charley Lineweaver and the Atavistic Cancer Model

I recently learned of the Atavistic Cancer Model on an episode of the Tokcast podcast. It sounds interesting but I am in no position to evaluate his claims. If there is something worth paying attention to here I would love for you to do an episode. I have been able to get a lot of traction with medical professionals (my brother used to teach family medicine and my wife has stage 4 RCC (going on 20 years now)). Many doctors we deal with have now heard your HRT episode and have a copy of the book. Additionally I have got many to listen to your discussions about taking on metabolic issues early. And if there is a there there, in a strange coincidence I know quite a few medical oncology researchers that I know personally

C15:0 (aka FA15) vs Omega 3

I've been a long time user of Omega 3s (Nordic Naturals with D3) and believe it has been helpful and it seems the preponderance of research is positive towards Omega 3s. Would love to hear if the above new fatty acid should be considered instead of or in conjunction with Omega 3s.