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#252 - lactate and BBB - benefit of Metformin

There is sometimes a notable bias against Metformin due to issues mentioned in prior episodes. However, given the suggested benefit of raising lactate would this not be an additional benefit if Metformin particularly on BBB

Digestion in healthspan and lifespan

Digestion plays such a huge role in a person's health and quality of life, yet you don't seem to address this huge elephant in the room in either your podcasts or your book. What's up with that?

How the RDA for micronutrients we’re established and what the optimal levels really are

It would be nice to get a podcast on the history/science behind the RDA values for micronutrients and what Peter considers to be the “optimal” amounts of each as apposed to the “minimum”.

Variable lactate levels in Zone 2 exercise

I test my lactate level after most Zone 2 exercise sessions. I am often surprised to be at 1.0 or 1.4 after a pretty intense session, but when I try to intensify slightly (for example, walking on the same treadmill at a just slightly faster pace) to bring up the lactate level, a small change may result in levels of 2.4 or more. I am wondering if a faulty meter is the problem, or if this variability is common? Note that I am keeping as much constant as possible (e.g., hydration), and also testing with proper procedure, including handwashing with soap, wiping away the first drop of blood, etc., so I don't think procedural error is causing these wide swings. Your thoughts?

BCAA (or EAA) in lieu of protein during non feeding window...

Peter had indicated that he feels that if someone is using TRF to maintain their weight his practice suggests that you have supplemental protein outside the window. Could/would BCAAs or EAAs fulfill that purpose. Many have more leucine than one would get from a 4-6 ounces slug of protein.