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VO2 Max causal?

Do we know whether the benefits of a high VO2 max are causally linked to a longer lifespan or may be a marker of overall physical fitness? If the latter then is it really necessary to focus training on things that will increase VO2 max such as the zone 2 and interval training you have outlined or is it possible that other protocols that lead to improved physical fitness but not necessarily an elite VO2Max could yield similar lifespan benefits

Zone 2 recommended metabolic challenged

Sorry another zone 2 question. In your podcast #202 with Inigo as you were working through the cases you used the moderately fit person to figure out their zone 2 . I’m curious the process for the more unfit. My lactate seems to generally be 1.5 at least resting . Does this mean in your view I should be walking? I have been using rpe walking doesn’t seem to be hard enough I can go all day and sing a song as I go. Just curious how to tell the fat max with a normally high level Thanks

Recommendations regarding screening for stroke risk

Are there any tests you have your patients do to monitor for risk of stroke? What do you think of tests like the COLOR DUPLEX DOPPLER CAROTID ULTRASOUND? Are there any specific prevention techniques you employ other than those you speak about in regards to cardiovascular health? Thank you so much

Sleep Apnea AHI events and fasting

I have observed that the longer my fasts, the higher the AHI events per hour I clock on my CPAP. I usually am in the low single digits but on night 2 of a 72 hour fast I am typically around 11. Is this evidence that cortisol or some other stress hormone up regulated?

Epigenetics testing: age clocks and rate of aging assessments

Would you please address your sense of the utility of these tools? We know that the science keeps changing and the clocks are allegedly maturing. The stated capacity to now break down total rate of aging into systems ages (e.g. cardiac, brain, immune, etc.) is intriguing in theory, but what do you think about its practical utility? Sop many thanks.