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Parathyroid surgery

Can parathyroid surgery necessary

Enlarged prostate

Can an enlarged prostate and accompanying symptoms be reversed

Dr. Aseem Malhotra

Dr. Aseem Malhotra was recently on the Joe Rogan podcast discussing the dangers of statin drugs and COVID vaccines. It would be too much to describe here, but I was wondering if you are familiar with his argument against both and if so what are his weak points or are there any false assumptions being made?

Weaning off of sugar/carbs

What has worked for patients with a strong addiction to eating sugar? E.g. eating candy or sweets. Stopping drinking sugar seems to be a lot easier (for me) than not craving sweets.

Statins and APOE e4

In Outlive, you note that what is good for the heart is good for the brain, including low apoB. In the section on heart disease, you discuss aggressively lowering apoB through the use of statins. Is this recommendation the same if one is focused on Alzheimer’s prevention in general? For e4/e4 carriers? (My wife, 49 years old and in phenomenal shape, is an e4/e4 carrier, and takes statins due to relatively high total cholesterol, though her HDL has always been disproportionately high compared to her LDL). In The End of Alzheimer’s published in 2017, Dr. Bredesen recommends discontinuing statins (page 235). I can see some rationale for discontinuing statins if one is older (65+) and starting to develop Alzheimer’s symptoms, but what about a 49 year old woman that is in great shape (5’9”, 145lbs, 22% body fat, and has been weight training twice a week and cycling three days a week for the last 7 years) that has been consistently focused on fitness and doing everything right long before learning that she is an e4/e4 carrier? Thoughts?