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HRT and Heart Health / Longevity in women

I love to know your thoughts on this paper: Menopausal Hormone Replacement Therapy and Reduction of All-Cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Disease: It’s About Time and Timing And do you agree with the statements that statins do not have the same results in women or is there even enough research to answer this question?

are keto and paleo bad for heart health?

Article in the Washington Post today about the keto and paleo diets not being good for heart health. I would love to hear an updated Drive podcast on this.

SlackBlock or BlackBoard balance trainer?

Which do you prefer, or are they optimized for different ends?

Annual physical across ages

Over time I have heard you mention various tests and blood tests that are recommended for your patients in addition to what is typical. Would you be able to have a podcast dedicated to this topic or provide a written summary of which tests you believe to be important today (by age). Thank you

Will powerlifting cause stiff arteries? How can I manage this risk?

I started powerlifting 2 years ago and really enjoy it. But I read that heavy lifting over many years can cause stiff arteries, high blood pressure, and related health problems. Will I get stiff arteries and high blood pressure if I stick with powerlifting for the next few years or longer? About me: lift 3-5x weekly on average; squat, bench, and deadlift with machines for accessories; 38yo male with elevated BP; 6'3", 220lbs; No plans for extreme lifts, but do hope to achieve lifts at bodyweight multiples of squat 2x, bench 1x, deadlift 2.5x in the coming years.