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Semaglutide and Aging

Study: Does this mean newer diet medications like Semaglutide could accelerate aging since they increase insulin secretion from the beta cells? Your best guess is encouraged - "We don't know" is such an unsatisfying response. 😀

Home Infrared Sauna Blankets

Is there any evidence for the effectiveness of at home infrared sauna blankets to generate benefits comparable to 'traditional' sauna?

Sleep vs. exercise

Hello Dr. Attia. I am a 37yr old male. I am a husband and father of two little girls. I work full time as a vascular access RN. As most of us do, I find there aren’t enough hours in the day to get done everything on my to do list. My question is one you likely have heard before. Is it beneficial to trade off some sleep for more exercise? I currently sleep about 8hrs a night on a good night. Would I benefit cutting an hour from that in order to more consistently work out first thing in the morning before work and children and life get in the way? I would greatly appreciate your input. Thanks so much for all you do, it does not go unappreciated.

Statin issues

How do you handle the issue with statin causing abnormal insulin resistance. To the point that all lipid markers are excellent but A1C is creeping up. Is repatha y the best next option ? Because that too can cause issues with sugar and developing diabetes. Is the benefit them deleted? And this is even with exercise, not obese and a clean diet. What you actúe best tactic.

Go for statins - yes or no?

Hi Peter, I'm 50 years old, and for the last 10 years running regularly (~150km monthly), biking, backcountry skiing, and since last year 3x week weight lifting. I make sure that I get enough sleep, keeping the rhythm of going to bed and getting up at the same time. Nutrition, well, not really a Spartan, 2-3 beers on weekends, no snacks, but cannot get rid of the belly. Speaking in numbers, the latest measure: BMI 26,8, Fat% 28,3, basal metabolism 1.1671kcal, visceral fat 14, muscle 63,28kg, protein 18,8%. I went yesterday to my cardiologist, primarily to get a medical certificate for my upcoming (half-marathon) race in Italy (they demand a medical certificate not older than 1 year). Lab results: Apo-B 128mg/dL; Cholesterol: 6,49mml/L; HDL 1,51mmol/L; LDL 4,43mmol/L; triglic: 1,20mmol/L Glucose: 5,5mmol/L; HbA1c 5,1%; HbA1c-IFCC: 32mmol/mol Actually, only cholesterol is out of bounds, all other (liver, kidney, uric acid, etc) are OK. Now, the doctor told me that LDL 4,43mmol/L is disturbing and he would go for statins but gave me 3 months to take another lab and then decide, also he knows that I'm active and due to that fact, I'm not at too much risk. Interesting though is that I took Apo-B on my own, and he asked me "What the hack you needed this?!". On my question "Should I check insulin resistance?" told me "Why would you do that?!". My feeling is that the wast majority of MDs are medicine2.0 early 20th century and I have to make a really good investigation before I make a decision about whether to consider statins. What are your thoughts on this subject? To be more precise - what are the main KPIs I should look into it before I decide to go for statins? Best regards,