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ALT/AST tests and chronic intense exercise.

How do you adjust your interpretation of these tests given the evidence of the material/variable/and long (up to a week but different for each enzyme) responses of the liver enzyme tests to bouts of muscle damaging workouts? Also do these figures change in chronic strength trained athletes and well muscled people? Is GGT a suitable test or do we need more information for a picture of not only liver health but metabolic health?

Does apigenin really inhibit CD38?

Does apigenin really inhibit CD38, and would that effectively increase NAD? If yes, how much apigenin would be required? Any downside to inhibiting CD38 and increasing NAD in that way? Dried parsley is a good food source, but how much would be required to be effective?

Could metformin's hormetic effect on mitochondria be beneficial in athlete training

Hi Peter, I understand that one of things that metformin does is to have a hormetic effect on mitochondria so that the positive impact over time is to increase the number of mitochondria in the cell. I'm a 69 year old (non diabetic) aging cyclist that still trains 6 days a week, following your zone 2 and 5 recommendations. I like the idea of taking metformin if it's going to increase my mitochondria and have a positive impact on race day. The question would be whether to take it before or after a workout, or only on low intensity or off days. I have read that this hormetic effect can be counter productive to the body's natural reaction to exercise to produce more mitochondria, so I'm thinking that just taking it at night before sleep could work. This ties in with my body's reaction to taking it, which is to make me very tired.:) Appreciate any thoughts.

How to ask your doctor for aggressive treatment

As a 40 year old soon to be father of three (twins on the way) who already had to have his aortic valve replaced (mechanical) born with aortic stenosis, have a family history of severe heart disease and has recently stumbled upon the fact that I have two copies of apoe4 (23andMe) (man I feel like I got handed a shit sandwich) I feel like I really need to be aggressive in my medicine 3.0 treatment plans but am not sure how to approach my medicine 2.0 doctors about this do you have any suggestions?

VO2 max and beta blockers

Is there a negative relationship between VO2 max and beta/calcium channel blockers use?