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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Protein Per Meal

Hello, You recently said on a podcast that you consume around 40-45g of protein in a sitting, but try not to go over 50g. I've always been told that 25-30g of protein is the most your body can use for muscle repair in a single sitting. What's the benefit of exceeding this 30g max but staying below 50g?

Gestational diabetes

Hi Peter, I’d like if you could help explain a scenario. A 29 yo otherwise healthy female with no PMH becomes pregnant. BMI 17-18. Diagnosed with GDM after glucose tolerance test as is standard. Can you explain the positive test here? A1c before and after pregnancy <5%. I’ve read about a molecule which could decrease insulin sensitivity in these cases. Any tips to increase insulin sensitivity in women at higher risk for GDM despite no personal h/o diabetes?

X3 Band system - Better than lifting weights?

I heard Dr. Jaquish speak on a recent podcast. He was the inventor of the Osteostrong brand (their machines) and he is also selling the X3 Band stepup. Dr. J mentioned Dr. Attia in the podcast saying that he saw you were a proponent of the variable resistance concept. What do you think of the X3 Bands? Dr. J says it is more effective than weight lifting.

colonic hydrotherapy

Do you recommend colonic hydrotherapy?

How young to start statin?

I am 33 with an APOB of 120. CVD Risk calculators only give risk % at age 40 or greater. Should I be waiting to take a statin?