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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Pursuit of M.D vs D.O.

Given the recent increase in emphasis on exercise, particularly stability as we age, what are your thoughts on pursuing an M.D. vs a D.O. considering the extra training a D.O. will receive?

Exercise Related Injury

i.e., Episode 250, With Andy Galpin - You outlined the quick deterioration from lapses in training. Dr. Galpin emphasized the risk of injuries from running, which would cause those. Why not present alternates like Race Walk and Traditional Osteopathic exercise? I am concerned you are falling deeper into Pharma follies instead of options to eliminate need for them.

How to target visceral fat reduction

just listened to AMA 40 about DEXA and was left with the question - are there specific ways to target reduction of visceral fat? ( ( I noticed someone else was asking this too: Is there anything special to do (diet, strength/cardio, etc.) to target visceral fat reduction? ) - thanks

ND and Blindness

Given the links between hearing loss and neurodegenerative disease, is there a link with vision loss?

Status of hyperbaric treatment

What is the status of hyperbaric treatment? How much acceptance does it have? In a recent podcast you said you would use it if you had a TBI. Is there a path for that treatment to gain higher acceptance?