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Venting gas stoves

In your article about gas stoves and asthma, you describe hood vents as a reasonable solution. But some hood vents are vented to the outside and others are not. The latter, which are often just attached to the bottoms of microwaves over the stove, seem to just take in air and throw it back out into the room. Any ideas about whether it is just the hoods that are vented outside that reduce the risk of harmful emissions?

Peter’s book tearing ability

Can Peter tear his own book Outlive in two?

Impairment of gut microbiome by probiotics in Athletic Greens (AG1)?

In Cell September 2018, there is an article, "Post-Antibiotic Gut Mucosal Microbiome Reconstitution Is Impaired by Probiotics and Improved by Autologous FMT. In this study, healthy adults were recruited to give a week-long course of antibiotics. Following this, one group took a popular probiotic for four weeks. Another group received stool transplants containing their own gut microbes. And a third group was the control. The microbiomes of people in the control group returned to normal about three weeks after taking the antibiotics. The microbiomes of people receiving stool transplants returned to normal within days. The microbiomes of people who took probiotics had not returned to normal even after five months and they had less gut microbiome diversity compared to people in the control or transplant groups. I have been an avid user of AG1. However, the presence of probiotics and the above study makes me worry about the harm to my microbiome. Since you are an advisor for Athletic Greens, you must not be as concerned about this as I am. Any thoughts on AG1 pre/probiotics or probiotic supplementation in general? Thanks!

Interpreting the CGM in long term low carb diets

Hi I'm a physician, & have noticed a phenomenon in some patients (and in myself) on long term low carbohydrate diets in which there is an exaggerated dawn phenomenon glucose rise, which stays up during waking hours. There is also sometimes a prolonged glycaemic spike in response to ingested carbohydrate, which looks very much like muscle insulin resistance. This is in mostly healthy phenotype individuals doing 2-3h zone 2 plus 1-2 h strength training per week. Fasting insulins have been low, and other markers of metabolic health normal to optimal I've wondered if there is a physiologic insulin resistance phenomenon in fat adapted athletic individuals which gives glycaemic response to ingested carbs similar to diabetics? And if so, is this a concern?- there is some evidence of direct glucotoxicity on endothelium & other organs as well as it's effects being mediated via hyperinsulinaemia. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this Thanks

With regards to gas stoves

Hi Peter, Regarding your article on the safety of the combustion products of gas stoves. If a person has the financial resources to replace their gas stove with an alternative, isn't this the most effective way to eliminate the risk? Not only the combustion products of gas (which are not simply limited to NO2), bus also to leaks of natural gas (containing volatile organic compounds) from the stove itself? You would hope that in the 21st century, the manifold benefits on air pollution, house-fire risk, and climate should justify a steady phasing out of unnecessary gas combustion in the home and populated areas.