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Impairment of insulin secretion with GLP-1

According to study published in cell in 2016, insulin secretion and islet function in beta cells was impaired over time on GLP1 antagonists. Has there been any further studies in humans and its implications since and what are your thoughts on it? Article:

Thoughts on friendships as you age?

My 70year old parents are active and healthy for people their age. One thing they’ve noticed is that their dear friends/peers who have shared so many meaningful parts of their life are either unable or uninterested in doing active things with them (kayaking, sailing, hiking, pickle ball, etc). This means that when they see each other, they just sit around and talk. When my dad retired and they were able to spend 5 months of the year in Tobermory, CA the friends they made there were all 10 years younger. I am in my early 40’s and this has got me thinking about the importance of having friends of all different ages. I’d love to hear Peter’s thoughts on this.

Urolithin A

Any thoughts on the usefulness of Urolithin A for older people?

Ketone Ester Supplements

How can ketone ester supplements works so fast and put a person in ketosis for 5-6hrs (is this regardless of what a person is eating or should they fast during that time)???

What do you think of full body health checkup services like Health Nucleus for the purpose of catching slow-death diseases early? Any specific services you recommend?

I am a health nucleus patient and wondeirng if thats state of art, or are there better options.