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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Phone Apps

What phone apps do you use, recommend, or approve of for health purposes (training, tracking, assessing, etc.)?

Is there anything in the book that you would consider to be not your current thinking?

Is there anything in the book that you would consider to be not your current thinking?


Do you have any thoughts regarding Dihydromyricetin’s application as a supplement in promoting health span/disease prevention. More broadly, is there any good evidence regarding use of flavonoids and other nutraceuticals such as Sulforaphane, as a prophylactic for reducing disease risk? Thanks!

Oleocanthal and ACVD

I have read in multiple studies that olive oil high in polyphenols can reverse cardiovascular disease. Can you speak on this and do you believe in it?

ApoB and Pregnant Women

Can you please give us your thoughts around ApoB as it relates to pregnant woman? Any specific recommendations leading up to, during, and post pregnancy?