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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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can you talk about the benefits of metamucil (assuming there are any benefits) on cardiovascular and metabolic health?

Statins and impact of diabetes biomarkers How do statins impact glycemic control and, if they worsen it, how does one determine whether the risk is higher for diabetes or atherosclerosis to negatively impact health span? Also there has recently been more media coverage about diabetes occurrence in fit people who are not overweight. Can you address that? (I am one of those and find most advice baffling since there don't seem to be any behavior modifications that help.)

superoxide dismutase

Have you researched superoxide dismutase (SOD) and if so, is this an enzyme/supplement worth considering taking? After of course getting to a fit baseline of health completing the "Attia's Rule" that Huberman penned after your podcast with him. Thanks!

Eating While Standing

Is eating while standing up better for digestion? Does eating while standing have any other possible health benefits?


I drink approximately 80 to 100 oz of water a day...or at least I think it is considered water. To flavor it, I use crystal light tea with Aspartame. Does this zero-calorie sweetener negatively affect me? Can I still consider this water?