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Languages for the Book

Is Peter planning to have the book translated into other languages? I believe it would be immensely helpful for my parents whose English isn't on a scientific level.

Lower age limit for recommendations

What is Peter's current opinion on what a healthy individual in their early 20s should do besides nutrition and exercise? Most times Peter mentions the use of exogenous molecules or early cancer screening methods "early" it refers to the mid-30s not early 20s. Should people in their early 20s have regular blood tests, colonoscopies and medical interventions or is the side effect here too high for the marginal benefit?

disease modifying drug for osteoarthritis

OA has very significant morbidity And we know that pipeline drugs can take years (decade?) to make it to first line/insurance covered recommendation. In the interest of avoiding a knee replacement (not to mention enjoying retirement...), please comment on the use of injectable Pentosan Polysulfate for OA now. thanks much.

Geriatric hyperlipidemia / elevated Lp(a) and ApoB

With regards to cholesterol and heart disease, how aggressive are you in treating the elderly? For example I have a patient with elevated Lp(a), and ApoB 60, he's in his 80's, had a STEMI in his 60's. His 'regular' cholesterol numbers have responded well to 40 mg Atorvastatin, and his blood pressure is 'ok' in 140's. In his 80's, living a pretty good quality independent life - would you step it up to chase the Lp(a) or let it ride for concerns of polypharm and side effects? - FM resident headed towards Geriatric medicine, very interested in keep my elders independent and living a dignified life as LONG as possible.

Rowing form / back injury

Lately I’ve been hooked on rowing. In part, because it’s a great workout and because of the real-time metrics that make it feel like a video game. I’ve had back pain twice after attempting to set 5000m personal records. Any tips or references you’d recommend for avoiding back pain while rowing? (I’ve been told my form is reasonable, but obviously something is wrong. The pain is the flaring up of an old injury)