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Chronic Active Epstein Barr Virus

Bi-annual blood work over the past 18 months has shown constantly elevated levels of EBV Early Antigens pointing to "reactivation" of this virus while showing negative results for RA, Lupus and Crohn's (symptoms: brain fog, "chronic fatigue", Raynaud's, inflammation/swelling of certain fingers to point of non-use) . Studies citing citrullination and CD8+ T cells have me at my bio-knowledge threshold and am looking for more digestible sources of information. After reading a number of studies about CAEBV and it's link to myelin protein and possible MS diagnosis down the road I am concerned and looking for help. We are extremely proactive and follow many of your wellness protocols. We would love any direction on sources of information or additional new findings within this topic.

L-Citrulline Supplementation and Active Infections

Husband has chronically active levels of EBV antibodies but also struggles with Raynaud's and finger swelling/inflammation to point of non-use. L-citrulline supplementation helped finger motility drastically but we have since stopped after some research hinted at it being possibly unsafe when you have an active virus. Could this be true for one with CAEBV? The L-Citrulline was so helpful but don't want to take if it could be "reactivating" possibly dormant EBV antibodies that cause such negative side effects. THANK YOU! Book is INCREDIBLE by the way, can't put it down....except to bother you with this question, obviously.

Logic in the tongue lashing you received (in the book)

In the book when you didn't follow the suggestion to just dose the patient at the next nurse shift change and instead used your calculation of 4:30am, what was the reason for chewing you out? Was it purely over not following the hierarchy of authority? Was there any logic given for why it would be better to wait?

List of genes to check

I've uploaded my raw 23andMe data to Promethease. Other than ApoE, do you have a list of specific genes to review?

Skin health and aging

Could you revisit the topics from episode "#13 – Brett Kotlus, M.D.: How to look younger while we live longer"? Although some people dismiss this as pure vanity I think it is an important aspect of longevity. I am wondering (and perhaps others too) how this field advanced in the 5 years that passed since this episode.