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CBD for sleep

I need help with insomnia. Will CBD help? What dosage? Do you have any recommended vendors?

Are you familiar with NuCalm?

Peter, NuCalm is a neuroscience product that helps relieve stress and improve sleep (from the company website). I just purchased one and wanted to see if you had any thoughts on the product. Thank you,


My husband started getting ringing in his right ear and few months ago. He has seen an ENT and tried a standard Vitamin B for ear ringing supplement. He tried acupuncture and Chinese herbal meds but still no help. My husband is 51, trim and exercises regularly. Eats fairly healthy, but for some chips and ice cream at times. He does enjoy an IPA or 2 on most days but stopped for 3 weeks to see if that might help - no. Do you have any wisdom on helping this?

Zone two training

I am exercising with a heart rate monitor on a piece of equipment. If I become more fit, should I Find that I need to work at a higher level of exertion, to maintain the same heart rate (180 minus my age)?

Relating Maffetone podcast to deep dive Zone 2 AMA

Both great podcasts, thanks v much, as always. They did leave me with questions though... 1. Peter's approach vs Maffetone's. Phil Maffetone recommends a very very long base training period with hardly any zone 5 or hiit. Peter includes all three. Is Phil's recommendation actually inclusive enough (and peter's recommended doses of z5/hiit low enough) that the two approaches ammount to the same thing? If not, what is the research on Maffetone's recommendation to focus on MAF training almost to the exclusion of all else? Why does Peter reject it? 2. MAF Test vs Zone 2. It seemed Peter thought of the MAF test as yielding a decent Zone 2 proxy. But the 70% of max hr rule of thumb he suggested is materially higher than MAT (123 vs 146) -- or did I misunderstand peter's view? Short of skin prick testing, is there a way to decide which to use? If you can sustain the higher number for 2 hours, wouldn't that mean by definition that it's your zone 2? If not, why isn't a long run an adequate test of a potential zone 2 number? 3. Zone 2 vs lactic threshold training. Thanks for the clear explanation that zone 2 is the amount of work you can do when your body is able to clear enough lactate to keep it below 2mm. But that raises questions about lactate threshold training. I was taught that training right at the level where your body has trouble clearing enough lactate was the best way to train yourself to clear more lactate. Wouldn't raising the amount of lactate your body can clear improve your performance at the sub-2mm/L level, thereby improving your zone 2 performance more. Or is this an example of performance vs health/longevity improvement because, eg clearance is different from what you're improving with zone 2 training itself? I clearly missed something here but I'm just not sure what. 4. If the only way to really determine your zone 2 is with lactate testing, a pointer to any good guide on doing so at home would be very much appreciated. Lab tests seem out of the question for the time being! Thanks again to everyone on the team -- your work is deeply appreciated.