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Niacin flush

What do you think about the Niacin Flush being a good stressor? Like hot, cold, exercise, etc? Thanks, Doug

Animal Based Diet

Thoughts on animal based diet? Promoted by Paul Saladino

COVID-19 Vaccine

I am curious to hear your thoughts on the CV-19 Vaccine. Will you be taking it, why or why not? Will you wait a few months to see if there are any side effects? Do you feel good about the speed at which it came to market? Overall thoughts on MRNA and synthetic biology. Are these the wave of better medicine or still to early to tell (any reasons to be cautious)?

What are food, med and workout recommendations to preserve beta cell function for possible Type 1.5 diabetes/LADA?

After over 10 years controlling diabetes (T2 diagnosis) with Metformin, exercise and low carb/keto plus IF, I recently seem to be losing control. CGM will show typically show fasting of 180 and then climb over next few hours slowly to range of 210 to 220. This is only with black coffee. Sometimes a very low carb lunch will actually lower it a little (ca. 165). Often I fast until 3pm and it just stays high until then. After Pumpkin seeds and Chardonnay it comes down a bit but not ever much below 140. Low carb dinner leads to about 150-160 for a few hours. It then stays high overnight. Given all this plus context of background (below), I am very concerned I may be getting LADA. If I am, are there and strategies that could help me maintain as much beta cell function as possible? Are there any scientific studies out there looking at ways to reverse it? Are there glucose lowering meds to try - - or to avoid -- in this attempt to preserve function? Do you have any alternative interpretations to my observations? Thanks much. Background: I am a 64 year old female with T2 diabetes diagnosis for 15 years, Metformin ER x 3, Dexcom CGM, low carb, intermittent fasting 20:4, moderate HIIT daily plus 3 mi walk. 5' 7" and 146 lbs. Yesterday my Endo said she will order C-peptide in 3 months with next A1c. A1c has gone from 6.3 to 6.8 in last 2 months despite trying a probiotic (Pendulum Thera) that has shown some scientific results, but didn't work for me over 4 months. Blood ketone measurement typically 0.7 to 1 first thing in morning. No Type 1 in family but parent and sibling have other autoimmune conditions such as Rheumatoid and Psoriatic arthritis, of which I have neither yet.

Oral Rehydration Solutions (ORS). Worth it?

With so many companies out there now... Nuun, Dripdrop, liquidIV, LMNT, Ucan, Hydrant, etc, It raises a few questions... Do these ORS products provide meaningful benefit? More people now are just adding them to water as a part of a daily routine, in addition to being used for hangovers and pre/post sport. And if they provide benefit in any of these situations, are there general markers of ingredients to look for and ensure inclusion/exclusion?