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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Postmenopausal hormones

Hi Peter and Bob! I've been wanting to hear more about postmenopausal bio-identical hormones for a while now. I'm on them - I'm 60, fit and healthy (run, ski, mountain bike, climb, swim, river kayak ) and even have a decent libido. I believe they've restored the quality of my life. Do you think you could knock the fear level down for those women who are afraid of cancer from hormones? I appreciate you both! Lynn

Gilbert's and Fasting

If you substitute UGT polymorphism for Gilbert's in a search engine, you quickly become aware that it is not a harmless condition. With the popularity of fasting and the inhibitory effect it has on UGT function, essentially detoxification, would you consider including this in your body of work? This is a n=1 but my fasting induced an elevation in bilirubin but also an acute phase ferritin response ultimately causing an iron deficiency that tanked my health. My other unlucky symptom is severe photosensitivity which may be a mimicry of Variegate Porphyria. Before the anti-aging community oohs and aahs over the benefit of slightly elevated bilirubin levels, please consider the other side of Gilbert's.

How effective is red light therapy? How should it ideally be used?

I've been considering purchasing a red light product, such as JOOVV, to support collagen production, energy, muscle recovery and other purported benefits. Is red light therapy effective enough to be worth the time and money investment, and if yes, what should be considered to make red light sessions most effective?

What is the science of decision fatigue and what are the best remedies?

Many of your members and clients work high performance careers where, at times when decision fatigue can't be avoided, the resulting fatigue effects can inflect a lot of distress and a confusing recovery period. How can decision fatigue burnout be better managed based on the science?

Statins and Insulin Resistance

What are your thoughts on the benefits of statins for primary prevention vs. the potential effects they have on promoting insulin resistance?