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Mitochondrial Reticulum vis-à-vis Zone 2 Training

My understanding is that the mitochondrial reticulum is a cellular structure; that is, it describes the mitochondrial energy distribution network across the cell (here, the skeletal muscle cell). Thus, when we speak of mitochondrial density (as George Brooks elaborated on in that great interview with Peter), it would seem that we are speaking of mitochondrial density in specific cells, not as a body-wide network. So, when we do our zone 2 training on a bike, are we increasing the mitochondrial density most specifically in the muscles recruited to spin (quads, hamstrings, etc.)? If indeed this is the case, should we look to incorporate other muscles/muscle groups in the Z2 work (lifting light weights during peddling, for example)? Thank you!

Biological Age Tests

Peter, what’s your view on the efficacy of biological age tests? I recently took one and, despite managing well most of my healthspan components (exercise, sleep, diet) and becoming familiar with receiving healthy blood results, was shocked to find I was 14 years higher than my actual age!

Collegue from Switzerland would like to visit your clinic and learn from you

Dear Peter, I contacted you over LinkedIn too. I'm endovascular specialist and did my promotion in andrology. I myself suffered a long time from LowT without knowing it and under TRT I literally have a new life! Europe lacks specialists on that subject. I would like to visit you and learn from you if you allow and maybe organize lectures with you in my clinic (University of Zurich). Would that be of interest? Many men suffer from LowT and are not treated adequately. As I was one of them and experienced the dramatic effect I really would like to change something. Warm regards

HRT Replacement Many Years AFTER Menopause

I've been told that if I didn't start HRT within 3-5 years after menopause, it would be more harmful than helpful to start later. Do you believe this is true?