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Sleep onset nsomnia and gravitational pull of the moon

Does P. think there is a credible correlation? I have struggled with it for decades and notice a pattern when there is a full or new moon of heightened difficulty falling asleep. His thoughts and suggestions?

Peter's current thinking on the most effective meds for Insomnia

I'm aware of P's past sleep meds and supplements but wondering if he is endorsing alternative protocols. Episodically, I have bouts of insomnia where I can't fall asleep all night and know it isn't psychologically driven. I have struggled with this for many years and am a clinical psychologist who understands CBTI.

Long Term Negative Impacts of Trazodone

Peter mentioned using Trazodone nightly for sleep. Are these potential adverse negative effects of such use? Is there some risk/reward calculation going on?

VO2 Max Correlation vs Causation

Is Peter saying that a high VO2 Max is casual in reducing mortality? How do we know it isn't simply associated? Is there non-observational evidence for this claim?

Lactate Meter Protocol during Zone 2 Training

Might Peter be willing to share his protocol for testing lactate during zone 2 sessions? Does he test once (say, at the end of the session), or multiple times throughout? Does he test resting lactate before sessions? Thank you! Any practical tips for peddle-powered puncturing would be welcomed.