Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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What is your advice for engaging with and questioning your doctor?

Post-COVID syndrome

What treatments are being studied/used for post-COVID syndrome, both acute and long term? Curious if you or your team have any insight.

Fish in My Diet

Hello Bob and Peter, I have been listening to podcast for some time, just became a member. As an Internal Medicine physician I have been following a "healthy" life routine for decades, presently 57 yo male and doing telemedicine now. I exercise (bike, swim, walk, Pickleball, Weights, Kayak, hike total 3-4 hours a day ), have healthy weight (152, 5'9"), no tobacco or alcohol. I eat Whole Food Plant Based. I have good BP, nice cholesterol profile(LDL 65, HDL 80, TG 50), no sugar problems, etc. So my question is, for someone eating healthy with low risk factors, does adding some fish to WFPB diet add to their health or subtract when considering IGF-1, insulin and Omega 3 effects, when it is replacing plant proteins instead of replacing unhealthy meat proteins like for most on standard American diet? Thanks for your consideration and all the Podcasts.

Anti-glycolytic training

Can you please relate anti-glycolitic training seen in the kettlebell community (e.g. StrongFirst) to zone 2 training?

Medium chain triglycerides

What are you thoughts on MCTs in general (do you recommend we consume them or avoid them or neutral)? And any thoughts on this study: Thanks!