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Testosterone and hair thinning

I am a 55 year old male. I am currently on a testosterone replacement program with my doctor. using a topical creme. I am starting to see my hair thinning. Would starting a daily 1 mg oral prescription of Finasteride be advised? My doctor is telling me the Finasteride would be a waste of time because it would cancel out all of the benefits of the Testosterone replacement. I have temporarily stopped the testosterone therapy unit I figure out the hair loss problem. Thank you

Long term radiation fibrosis

10 years AFTER surgery and radiation for stage 1 breast cancer purplish and grisly skin is emerging. I understand this also occurs after head & neck cancer radiation. What are the possible treatments and long term outcomes. So far, mammography and ultrasound reveal the fibrosis is only in the skin layers. Thankyou!

Ashwagandha for women

Are there any side effects of ashwagandha in women related to possible increase in testosterone levels? Is it safe for post-menopausal women to take ashwagandha?

Biomarker for autophagy

Do you agree that the LC3-I to LC3-II ratio (if I understand it accurately, reflecting autophagosome formation) may be a reliable blood biomarker for autophagy?

Why is my Apo-B rising?

Healthy 42 yr. old male. 178lbs. 13% body fat. 18 months ago I had blood work done and my Apo-B was 71mg/dL. Since then, I have continued to do everything (besides medication) to get and keep my levels at or below 70 mg/dL. (intense exercise 5-6 days/wk. healthy eating, proper sleep and hydration). Just received latest bloodwork and Apo-B increased to 99mg/dL. Any thoughts?