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Thoughts on this:


CGM shows short periods of hypoglycemia for non-diabetic - between 54-69 mg/dL. When are interventions needed for hypoglycemia? What do interventions look like for hypoglycemia? What about when glucose drops below 54 mg/dL for non-diabetic?

Helping immune checkpoint inhibitors

The mechanism used by immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) is fascinating. Now that I am taking ICIs I am wondering what other things I can do to strengthen my immune response. There are hundreds of products which claim "supports a healthy immune system" or "strengthens immune system", but I can't help but think that these claims are weak or only support the immune system in broad general ways. What are some interventions to strengthen immune response which have credible evidence of efficacy? Please group your answers by prescription v. non-prescription interventions. Are there foods or supplements which are effective in increasing immune response? Are there drugs beyond the ICIs themselves?

Interview with Dr. Gary Donovitz

I’d love to hear an interview with Dr. Gary Donovitz where you and he hash out the studies and medical literature around women and TRT. I have been a regular user of pellet therapy for 5+ years and many women in my medical practice are seeking out TRT for quality and quantity of life. In an effort to live longer, better and aggressively work to increase healthspan and reduce age related effects of the four horsemen, do you think the literature supports TRT for women?

Deep dive into Mitochondria

I am hoping you would consider a deep dive into Mitochondria. Most of your guests, especially those that dive deep into the physiology of aging, all point to one final common pathway. The mitochondria! I think a deep dive into this along the lines of the Tom Dayspring series would really be informative. Thanks much! .