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Lipids, circadian rhythms and T2D

Could Peter address this study?

The Look AHEAD study

The Look AHEAD study was an extensive randomized clinical trial that focused on implementing an intensive medical and lifestyle intervention program among individuals with type 2 diabetes who were overweight. However, despite its initial intentions, the trial was halted prematurely following a futility analysis conducted when the median follow-up period reached 9.6 years. Astonishingly, the study revealed no observable cardiovascular benefits. With this perplexing outcome, I would request your analysis. Understanding the reasons behind the absence of cardiovascular benefits despite the intensive intervention would be really useful. Delving into this study's findings could offer valuable insights into the complexities of managing cardiovascular risks in individuals with type 2 diabetes and overweight conditions.

Another Protein Question

Hi! Regarding amount of protein intake, I'm fully aware of the recommended 1g/lb of BW (2.2g/kg). However, would you say there is a "good enough" amount of protein that's a bit lower? Say like 75% of this, or something along those lines. I weigh about 180lb and am probably somewhere around 140-150g/day. Getting more than this is pretty challenging, even with whey supplementation. I'm generally quite active, and find that my GI has a hard time handling that high amount of protein, on top of the amount of carbs/fat/sheer calories that I seem to need to function. I'm just curious if the benefit to high protein amounts scales linearly, or if say something like 75% of the recommended amount gets you, say, 90+% of the way there...

Maximum dose semaglutide

Hi Peter, I am looking for information about semaglutide. Specifically, while I can easily see that the maximum FDA-approved dose is 2.4 mg SQ q week, I can find no data on higher doses, nor can I even find a rationale for not testing a higher dose. (As you know, he package insert indicates that higher doses can cause thyroid tumors in animals, but this effect occurred at the equivalent of 0.6 times the human dose but was not seen in humans.) Do you have any thoughts about the safety of doses above those approved by the FDA or why no studies appear to have taken place?

Controlling glucose spikes

Do you think eating order helps glucose spiking? Referring to ideas put forth in the book Glucose Revolution by Jessie Inchauspe.