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RHR and long-term health.

Does an elevated RHR (90-110) have any long-term impact on health and longevity? What are effective ways to lower your RHR assuming you are not significantly overweight and live a reasonably healthy lifestyle?

How to reduce visceral fat if I am already very lean?

The title says it all. I am 35 years old, quite lean (13.7% body fat), eat healthy, and lift and run 6 days per week. I was surprised at my dexa scan to have 0.6 lbs of visceral fat (20-40 percentile) and I have no idea what I can do to work on reducing it. Thanks.

Protein recommendations for obese

Do you maintain your recomendation of 1 gram of protein per pound of weight in significantly overweight patients who have fairly substantial lean muscle mass, but simply are carrying too much visceral and adipose fat? For example, consider a male 58 year old who weighs 276 lb who wants to protect his lean muscle mass, but to lose fat in general, but specifically adipose fat. This individual spends 3-4 hours a week in Zone 2 (1.2-1.4 w/kg) and 3-4 days of strength training. The 1 gram of protein per pound, would have this person consuming a challengingly high amount of protein. Should this be attempted, or is it better to scale back to .5 or .6 grams of protein per pound of body weight and then increment up as fat mass declines? Thank you. Love your podcasts and your book.

AA/EPA Ratio

Hi Peter. I have not heard you discuss this test and I am wondering what a very high AA/EPA ratio means? I take Omega 3s so I am concerned that this seems to suggest significant inflammation. But my number is so high, I am wondering if it could rather be a mistake on the test?. I am also hypothyroidism with an issue converting T4 to T3. It is converting into reverse t3. Is there a link? And what should I do to address this? I hear so much about “inflammation” but how does anyone go about identifying the cause so it can be properly addressed? Is this a valid test or indicator? Thanks.

Inflammation and CAD

There have been several papers recently emphasizing reducing inflammation as being as important or even more impactful than LDL/ apo B levels in preventing the formation of atherosclerosis. Should we be emphasizing inflammation reduction by multiple ways( exercise, avoiding inflammatory foods, supplements). Thanks