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Red Meat and Type 2 Diabetes

I would love to know your take on the recent student showing red meat increases type 2 diabetes risk. Also, general guidelines for cancer risk reduction seem to indicate a link between red meat consumption and the development of cancer. I would really appreciate you talking through the pros and cons of read meat consumption.

Kaatsu and lactate threshold

I have both the KAATSU and a lactate meter. Ever since I started to do kaatsu training, my lactate threshold has changed significantly for my zone 2 training. I only use the kaatsu as part of my resistance training. Is this some thing that you have observed as well?

Pendulum Probiotics causing lower abdominal cramp

I bought a 3-mo glucose control and used it more frequently in the past two weeks and developed a stomach cramp that comes and goes but worsens after food. I originally thought it might be my period and went to see my ob/gyn. She examined me and told me it was likely a GI issue. I’m not constipated, but definitely a lot more gassy. Most websites say that GI discomfort is part of the normal process when bacteria build up. But it wasn't clear how long one should tolerate the pain before going to visit my primary. I have a feeling that he’s gonna ask me to stop using the supplement. That's why I'm asking here instead. Is there such a thing as power through it and get better? Or am I getting the side effects/bad reactions to it?

Taking desmopressin for nocturia

I am a 58 year old male who is quite fit (1m57 and 110 lbs with a waist line of 27 inches). My HbA1C is 5.7 and fasting glucose is around 105. I think I have nocturia and wake up 2-3 times a night which leads to disrupted sleep. I have begun to take 0.1mg of desmopressin before I go to bed and find it helpful with nocturia and I sleep better. Should I continue taking desmopressin on a regular basis or should I gradually decrease the frequency and eventually stop it ? Is there any other non-invasive treatment for nocturia ? Thank you.

Hayflick Limit - Are we fighting a losing battle with strength & muscle preservation vs. their loss with age?

I just read something that mentioned the Hayflick limit. (From Wikipedia: The Hayflick limit, or Hayflick phenomenon, is the number of times a normal somatic, differentiated human cell population will divide before cell division stops.). If this is indeed true, (maybe a more precise medical explanantion would be helpful), aren't we losing the battle of trying to preserve, or at least slow down the loss of muscles, strength, and overall fitness, especially 60+? I'm 69 and trying desperately to keep up with my goal of 40 (4x10) chin-ups per day. It's becoming more difficult with each day.