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vo2 max for swimmers

another way it seems to be is that a swimmer training in zone two or hit is using very different muscles from a runner or biker so those swimming mussels ar training their mitochondria to built more numbers of mitochondria and more efficient mitochondria . But when you get on a bike those legs muscles are not trained and so they fail far sooner and done reflect teh capability of the body as a whole so is it valid to do a vo2 max on a bike or treadmill for a swimmer?

Aortic aneurysms

Can you do a specific heart podcast. More specifically aortic aneurysms and how to prevent them.

Difference between non-HDL-C and HDL-C?

Just finished my initial appointment with a cardiologist. Requested an apoB and non-HDL-C biomarker to be added on. When adding the 2 tests she reported there WAS NO non-HDL-C...only HDL-C. Are they the same thing?

Building muscle in older (postmenopausal)females

What are the best strategies for actually building muscle in postmenopausal women? I personally do quite a bit of strength training with Farmers walks, squats and trap bar deadlifts yet my muscle mass seems to stay pretty static. Strength training has improved my bone density via dexa scan but my muscle mass does not seem to increase. My older female patients are also asking about this. Thanks! Great book and great podcast btw


Could you interview Dr. David Sinclair, Please.