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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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how immune system ages

I recently saw this very exciting paper on healthy aging of the immune system by Terekhova et al. (, which describes in great detail how different subsets of immune cells change with age (and which ones remain the same). Some of the results are expected (fewer naive cells, more memory cells) but I would love to hear Peter and the team's analysis of these data, perhaps in one of the amazing newsletters. What do these changes indicate about how immune system changes with age? Is there anything surprising there? Anything actionable? How do these results make sense from an evolutionary point of view? It would be so interesting to hear a well thought out discussion of this topic. Thank you.

3.0 MD’s

How do I go about finding a MD that practices 3.0 medicine

Colon, colonoscopy, and polyp management

Hi Peter, appreciate the articles and podcasts around the importance or colonoscopies. What are the recommendations for folks who have incidence of polyps? Meaning- is there a way to "reduce" polyp growth prospectively for patients in which they have found non-cancerous polyps? Are there diet, supplement, or other interventions? Thank you.

Would You Consider...

Peter, I LOVE your book, so much so that I am now a paying member of your organization. I am also a professional facilitator. What would it look like if we took the contents of your book and created a 3 day in person seminar where they were walked through the book, identified their health goals, and walked out with a plan. If this is something that interests you I am here to help make it a reality.


I’m a 59 year old male, I weigh 82k. I have a lactovegetarian diet. I’m currently on the Zoe programme and despite my very best efforts with high protein dairy and legume- based meals I’m only getting 80-90g of protein a day if I don’t use powders. Is 2g of protein per kg body weight even achievable on a largely plant based diet without the use of protein powders? If so, how? If it’s not possible why doesn’t someone say so?