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Your lessons on heathy living and longevity have been very meaningful to me. I am now in my 70's and have fortunately lived a lifestyle consistent with many of your recommendations. However, most of your information concerns the best way to get to a healthy older age, rather than what to do once you get there. I would love to have you examine the state of geriatric medicine, including issues around diet, injury, illness, and exercise unique to those who are encountering the inevitable limitations of older age. Thank you.

Exercise with poor cartilage and family history of arthritis

What exercises do you recommend/not recommend for people with bad/low cartilage in their knees and a family history of arthritis and lots of orthopedic surgeries? I tore my ACL and miniscus in my left knee 20 years ago (37 now). It acts up every now and again, but overall no problems with jumping, lower weight squatting, jogging, etc. I do avoid quick stop and start type exercises (playing basketball, etc.). Does targeting my quads help build muscle or quicken the deterioration of what's left of my cartilage? Does collagen supplements potentially help at all with cartilage issues?

Joints and tendons

Great discussion with Andy Galpin. Both of you extoll the virtues of strength training for longevity. But my experience is that the majority of individuals begining, in mid 50's and much more in 70's to experience knee, hip, shoulder pain which inevitably leads to acceleration of muscle loss and difficulty maintaining excersize programs..HOW do we deal with those joints ...not discussed much!!!

Declining US life expectancy

In the Elias podcast, Peter said he expected his kids to live to 100, but life expectancy estimates declined in the most recent CDC data. Maybe Peter could pick this news apart a little bit for us? Sample story:

General anestesia and histamine release

Hi, 11 years ago I had a cholecystectomy and suffered a major inflammatory reaction afterwards and had a very difficult time recovering. My gut was inflamed and I developed acute anxiety and fatigue and lowering of my thyroid levels and metabolism and symptoms of cognitive decline. Presently I am facing the removal of my appendix due to a large appendicolith that is suspected to have had a low grade infection and cause of my digestive difficulties for decades. I was in a biomedical PhD program when I had my gallbladder removed and researched how certain drugs used for anesthesia cause a histamine release and may be counter indicated for someone with a history of chronic fatigue. I am curious to learn more about this from your perspective so I can consult with my medical team to ensure the best possible outcome post surgery. Thank you!