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Pocket Card for Lipid Reference Ranges

Is there a copy of the card that Peter mentioned in AMA 41? He mentioned he carries around a card that has the percentiles from the Framingham studies and I would love to get a copy of that if he has it!

Optimizing kidney health for longevity

Hello Peter. I’m a 33 year old male and recently found out I had kidney cancer. Luckily it was spotted very early during a ct scan of my broken ribs. It hadn’t spread or even reached fat tissue or veins, so basically I just got really really lucky. I went through surgery a few months ago and I’m getting back to my routines with exercise and life in general. So I’m living with one kidney now. Due to being fairly young and highly interested in longevity. My question is that what kind of nutrition, supplementation, exercise should one take into consideration having one healthy kidney to go by.

Enzyme P450 and Pharmalogical drug interaction with certain foods

Hi Peter - I have been reading more and more that certain "healthy" foods containing high level of polyphenols, flavanoids, etc interfere with the enzyme P450, which has the unintended affect of people taking prescription drugs (e.g. Statins) to have either too much or too little circulating. Grapefruit ingestion is the most common example everyone is aware of, but I am reading that any fruit /berry/cacao/coffee bean, etc that contains high a levels of a sophisticated molecular structure (such as antioxidants), can turn the enzyme off completely. Have you ever thought about this or have recommendations? I assume if one eats only meat they would not encounter this issue, or if one is on no pharmacological drugs then they also would not have a problem. Considering you are a supporter of reducing ApoB as early as possible through statins and other prescription medicine (not to mention rapa, etc for other uses) I am curious as to your thoughts here as I would like to start statins but also eat as healthy as possible a varied diet including spices (tumeric) etc.


Have you considered hosting a CME type course to help physicians (like myself) learn the things you use in your practice?


Do a daily fast of 18/6, workout 6x a week with running/weights, drink only water/black coffee, high protein/low carb diet just about daily. Lost 65 pounds in 15 months, from 215 to 150. I’m 46 male and 5”11. My body fat was reduced to 18%, yet I can’t seem to get body fat lower. I could increase fast but don’t want to lose more weight/muscle mass. Want to get to 13-15% body fat.