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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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pentadecanoic acid ( C15:0 )

Would you recommend taking Pentadecylic acid, also known as pentadecanoic acid or C15:0. See The NY Times article:


Can you share the research regarding the relationship of ALMI and longevity?

Challenge w Saunas before bed

To add on to another's question on showering. I love Sauna before bed, but when you add in the time to heat it (40 mins), take the sauna (25 mins) and shower (10) mins it's a commitment to do 3-5 times a week. And showering can also wake you right before bed, in addition to the "exercise-like' effect of the sauna. Do you not shower or does you cold plunge handle the sweat cleanse?

Time and mental health impacts of longevity

Thank you for partially addressing this on a recent AMA. Peter what number of hours do you - or a typical or ideal client - devote to managing their training, eating, supplements, socializing meditating, nature walking - in a week. Is it a practical "prescription" to do all of this, or are few of your patients working with children at home (ie FT movie stars with domestic help). Second part of this time questions is how does your desired routine lead to mental health challenges around perfection and self-obsessiveness? I love your content but feel it could be calibrated for "average" working folks vs those who can devote 20 hours a week to this endeavor. Huberman for example likes to break things into the basics needed then optional add-ons in his exercise recommendations, for example, which I find valuable and realistic. Thank you for giving us your views on this in more detail

Difference between Base and Aerobic Training / Zone 2-3

I have listened to all the Zone 2 training podcast and still have a question that I can not find the answer too. Is Base training and Aerobic Training the same? My Garmin zones (1-5) have Zone 2 as Base and Zone 3 as Aerobic. Zone 1 Easy - 2 Base - 3 Aerobic - 4 Threshold - 5 Maximum. The internet has a lot of percentages of what zone 2 should be. Can you clarify the difference between Base Training and Aerobic Training. Thank you!