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with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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Is zone 1 any good?

Some exercise is better than no exercise, but is it possible to replicate the benefits of zone 2 with an extended zone 1. Eg. A 3hr walk or a lightly strenuous hike?


Just read this article on tricaprin. I would love to hear your opinon on wether i it makes sense to add it to my supplement stack as a protection against heart disease. And yes - I can deadlift my body weight in sets of 10 ;)

If you were perfectly healthy, what would you die of?

(I didn't know this link was here to submit questions for AMA. I sent a separate email with the same question before discovering this link. Sorry about that.) You often cite cardio-related diseases as the primary cause of death (followed by cancer, etc.). But you also attribute these causes to choices we make: food, exercise, etc. And yet, we all have to die of *something* someday. It begs the question: If you were to be a demographer in a hypothetical world where everyone followed all of your expert advice on exercise, food, sleep, and other lifestyle patterns, can you order the leading causes of death? This would have to take into account probabilities associated with the random distribution of genetic and environmental risk factors. Bonus: what would the average ages be for each of these causes?

Can OURA Ring diagnose REM Sleep Behavior Disorder?

OURA gives movement information along with REM information: Could that information be visually superimposed so people can see if they are moving during REM sleep? And if the answer is YES they are moving during REM sleep could there be an alert to tell them to talk to their physician and see if a sleep study is warranted? What I really want to know is can OURA be used to detect REM Sleep Behavior Disorder or at least alert a wearer to that possibility?

Urolithin A and mitophagy

Hi adding to the requests to cover this supplement in some type of detail. Listed to recent Gabriel Lyon interview with the Chris Rinsch (co-founder and CEO of Amazentis) CEO was interesting (allowing for bias). Matt Kaeberlein kind of suggested he was waiting for you to cover it when pressed by Tim Ferris.....