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Metformin vs inositol

What is your opinion on inositol supplementation? I’m seeing it recommended primarily for women with PCOS/insulin resistance and compared to metformin.

Pregnancy Deep Dive

Can you please deep dive into the health optimization of pregnancy both for the mother and the child? The current literature on nutrition, exercise and lifestyle during pregnancy takes such a conservative approach that pregnant or nursing women should consult their doctor before operating a light switch and doesnt begin to touch optimal health strategies for the mother or child in the viewpoint of medicine 3.0. Throughout other podcasts bits a pieces relating to children are discussed including bone health, language learning, genetics, passing trauma, minimalist shoes etc that apply to specific time windows. Could a timeline or chart be created outlining what parents should consider in different phases of child development?

Dietary saturated fats & dyslipidemia

What is the connection between dietary saturated fats and dyslipidemia, especially ApoB? Also, do you think that when people say "Dietary cholesterol impacts your blood lipids" (which is not correct), they mean "The kind of foods with lots of dietary cholesterol also have a lot of saturated fats and therefore those foods will negatively impact one's blood lipids"?

Question about autoimmune disease and the thyroid gland

Hi, ​you seem to be very well read about how the human body is functioning and things to do to make it work better. Because of this I would like to seek your advice. I know I should always seek advice from my medical doctor. Some weeks ago a blood test showed that I had a very high amount of TPO antibodies (above 1300 u/ml) which means that my own immune system is attacking my thyroid gland. This is a form of an autoimmune disease. All my other values are fine like TSH, T3 and T4. I also have no symptoms at the time being. The risk is that I sometime in the future can develop Hashimoto disease which can lead to low metabolism. ​My GP just tells me that it is not dangerous, that there is nothing to do and that I should just wait. I was curious to know what your opinion about this would be. Do you have any thoughts on what I can do to reduce the likelihood of developing this disease further and reduce the TPO antibodies. Thank you in advance. Yours sincerely A.

Stop Teeth Grinding at Night

Do you have any suggestions for how to stop grinding your teeth at night? It seems to be hereditary in my family and I practice good sleep hygiene and don't have a super stressful life. I wear a mouthguard every night, but it doesn't discourage grinding (maybe even encourages it).