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Calorie burn during Sauna

I track my calories quite diligently and am trying to determine the proper calorie burn for a sauna session. Heart rate can get into the 140s with enough duration and heat but there is no real movement. Is there any data on this question? Should I record it at all? My Oura thinks it's exercise (but always starts the session about 1 minute before leaving the sauna for 10-20 minutes as I walk around the locker room).


Hi Peter, i started taking Rapamycin 4 weeks ago for longevity purposes. I am upto 6mg a once weekly dose. I am 43 years old and learning as i go. Is there any advise you could give me on my Rapamycin journey. I know studying Rapamycin in human is early doors yet but is the any advise that will hep me . Thank you

Strength Training for Muscle Mass (for longevity)

I have always prioritized strength training over hypertrophy in my workouts. As I am now in my late 40's, I would like to start putting on muscle mass as much as I can to remain fit and fighting against the "average of 1% loss of muscle per year". Do I need to start focusing on hypertrophy over strength, or does strength confer just as much benefit?

Sauna vs Exercise for Post Prandial Blood Sugar

Exercise such as taking a walk after a meal is known to reduce the subsequent rise in blood sugar. Is there any similar benefit to using the sauna after eating?

Sauna/Sweat and "detoxification"

Dr. Rhonda Patrick has stated a number of times that sweating (including from sauna use) causes the body to excrete a number of toxicants, including Cadmium, BPA, Mercury and others. Searching PubMed, I see some papers that back this up- specifically because the concentration of these molecules are higher in sweat than blood and/or urine. However, there are far more sources that claim that this is overblown, that any secretion of these toxicants is insignificant and not likely (or proven) to have any benefit at all. Can you give your thoughts on which side is (likely to be) true