Ask Me Anything

with The Peter Attia Drive - Private Subscriber Feed

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What is the best STRATEGY to FUEL muscle hypertrophy?

Specifically, how and when to use carbohydrates or fat, during weeks of intense training. As a subscriber to the drive podcast I know how to use protein, but very little about how to best fuel growth, while limiting the downsides of a calorie surplus.

Functional assessment measures

What functional assessment measures and normative data do you use and recommend people to use to measure their improvements in strength, power, cardiovascular abilities and daily function?

Dr. Jim B. Tucker of The University of Virginia

Might you consider having Dr. Jim B. Tucker on the podcast? He was Director of the University of Virginia’s Division of Perceptual Studies and was the medical director of the University of Virginia Child & Family Psychiatry Clinic for nine years. He also has written several acclaimed books. I think his work on consciousness and perception would be exceptionally fascinating for your listeners, especially its implications on individual and communal mental and spiritual health.


As I understand when fasting you want to go into a state of ketosis for autophagy. Why does putting your body into a state of ketosis with high fat foods and no carbs not accomplish the same thing? I always hear things like if you eat a nut or butter etc you won’t “break your fast”

Collagen and other supplements for joint health

Do you recommend taking collagen or any other supplements specifically for joint health? Also what is your view on recent research that NSAIDs may slow joint health while removing inflammation? Any general guidance on how to program weights/cardio/sports around joint health?