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Exercise and ApoB

I’ve searched through the show notes extensively and couldn’t find a simple, straightforward answer; whenever Dr. Attia talks about lowering ApoB, he talks about statins. What are the best forms of exercise to lower ApoB? How often should one be doing them? Thank you so much!

To eat breakfast or not?

In a healthy normal weight physically fit individual who is trying to lose a few pounds (and lose body fat/ gain muscle), is it better to eat breakfast or to skip breakfast/ extend fasting interval (~16 hour fast)?

Inside Tracker

I do a fair amount of blood testing but never feel like we got it all. What do you think of Inside Tracker as a tool for measuring health? Is it worth the money? Thank you for your answer.

Stuart Mcgill Master Clinicians

Peter, Love the show. I am an avid listener. I am a 38 year old male, not overweight. I have been struggling with on and off lower back pain for almost 20 years. I believe I have a degenerative disc at L5- S1 with arthritis according to an MRI from 3 years ago. I have done PT which helps for period and then the pain arrives again. I now have daily tightness and soreness that I have been carefully exercising with- mostly cardio and bodyweight strength exercises. Anyway, I have been using the Mcgill Big 3 exercises, along with frequent walking, and have the opportunity to see one of Dr. Mcgill's Master Clinicians (Dr. Jim George in St Louis) for a 2 Day comprehensive examination. I understand you probably get a lot of questions on back pain and I appreciate what you have covered with Beth Lewis and others on Functional Movement and DNS. Wanted to see if you think this exam is a good idea or not. I am willing to really slow down my strength training until I get the pain under control and build strength responsibly. PS- I also have FH and take Repatha- you gave me the medical literacy to advocate for myself find the right cardiologist that could actually prescribe this. I thank you. I am honored and humbled if you are reading this.

Protein before sleep

You may have seen some of the research on the benefits of protein supplementation prior to sleep ( Given what you have said about how eating near bed time can affect sleep quality, what do you make of this trade off?