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Essential Amino Acids

If you are short on making your protien needs due to intermittent fasting, are there benefits to taking EAA on fasting days?


Can you speak to the health/longevity effects from Earthing/Grounding? Esp. from using equipment like a grounding sheet to sleep on? I've just discovered this and the grounding sheet seems to be giving good sleep results.


This is less of a question, and more of a suggestion. I would love to see Peter speak with Marty Gallagher. Marty was a world champion power lifter but more importantly coached most if not all of the greatest--Kirk Karwoski, Ed Coan, and coached the US team that won the world championships. Marty is still lifting and coaching (mid 70s) and is an area expert coach for the special forces groups, particularly SEALs. I think the juxtaposition of Peter's tremendous scientific knowledge with Marty's vast experience (their conclusions/deductions/advice is remarkably similar) would make for fascinating discussion, and maybe new insights on training. Ask Marty about Iron Yoga.

50 Centenarian Olympic items

What are the 50 Centenarian Olympic items mentioned in the preview of the book? Can I get a list that I can copy or download?

Peter’s Current Evening Sauna/Ice Bath Routine

You’ve said recently you like sauna in the evening for it’s sleep enhancing effects. What specifically is your evening sauna/ice bath routine? How many minutes do you do in the sauna, followed by how many minutes in the cold plunge, and how many rounds? And do you end the routine with cold or with hot? And if you take a shower after the routine, is it cold, hot, or warm? Thanks.