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Mitigating sarcopenia on “hormone blockers”

Second part of my question is what strategies can I use to avoid totally becoming a weak old woman during the 5-7 years I will need on Anastrozole to reduce risk of recurrence of this breast cancer. ( to reiterate I am a 64 year old woman with a 1cm luminal B post surgery ( node negative but low ER/PR so high risk)about to start chemo with doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide and paclitaxel followed by local radiotherapy. Just wondering what the best exercise regime would be to try to maintain muscle mass given the role of estrogen therein now totally blocked. Bone mass will be “maintained” with bisphosphonates. Thank you

Finding Like-Minded Physicians

The information provided by you and your team is invaluable. Thank you. But the reality is your medical services are inaccessible to most of us which makes the information you offer difficult to use to effect change. How can members of your audience who are interested in a more proactive approach to healthcare find like-minded physicians? It is really hard to tell by looking at a physician or medical group's website who is selling "snake oil" and who is legit.

Data Analytics in Excel

I keep track of all of my lab work, but over the years my docs have used different labs and they order and group the results differently. Some items like lipid results are simple to group together, but other results are not. Can you recommend groupings that I can use to make my spreadsheet more useful?

Carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity

What are your most updated thoughts on the carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity? I know you had Gary Taubes on your show, who advocated for this model in his book "Why we get fat, and what to do about it" but there's some great work from Kevin Hall at the NIH that disagrees with this.

Podcast episode

Hello, I love your podcast. I would love if you would do a podcast episode about female reproductive and sexual health. Endometriosis, menopause, menstrual cycles, fibroids, etc. I feel like Rachel Rubin would be an amazing guest to have on the show!