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Accuracy and precision of at-home LP(a) & ApoB tests

I've noticed that there are at-home (finger prick) tests now becoming available for ApoB (offered by Verisana) and Lp(a) (offered by EmpowerDX). While these tests are somewhat more expensive than a blood draw version (still under $100), the convenience of being to easily test from my home is very appealing, especially to test ApoB periodically. Do you have any insights as to the accuracy or precision of these type of at-home tests vs. going into the lab for a blood draw?

Peter Attia's Weekly Schedule Work + Fitness

I'm constantly amazed by how much Peter is able to accomplish: operating a successful medical practice, hosting a successful podcast, writing a book, making a TV show, while also balancing a sizable amount of training (Zone 2, Zone 5, stability, and strength) plus family life. Can we get a high-level overview of how Peter manages and prioritizes his time. What does a "normal" week for Peter look like and how does he fit so much in?

Higher LDL-C levels associated with greater longevity

Thoughts on this meta analysis concluding higher levels of LDL-C corresponded to longer lifespans?

health benefits and risks of infrared saunas

I've heard of well documented heath benefits of cold water, I'm curious if you believe the health benefits of Infrared Saunas in terms of blood pressure and any cardiovascular benefits outweigh the risks of cataracts and some skin damage as has been noted in some research

Blood Pressure

Could you please dedicate an episode on blood pressure? I exercise almost daily, eat mostly healthy, don’t drink excessively, mediate, have a great BMI, and all my blood work shows within limits… but I can’t get my damn blood pressure down. After much resistance, I decided to go on blood pressure medication (ARB’s).