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Is APO A-1 important to check

My cardiologist feels that APOA-1 is more important than APOB in checking for cardiovascular health. None of your podcasts mention APOA-1. What is the scoop on APOA-1?

Genetic predisposition to obesity?

Several weeks ago I saw Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford interviewed on "60 Minutes," where she claimed 50-80% of obesity was genetically inherited, even when controlling for lifestyle factors such a sleep, exercise & proper nutritional management. Essentially reducing obesity down to a poorly understood, genetically inherited disease, with a little hope lifestyle interventions could mitigate its prevalence. I found her claims to be disturbing on multiple levels and wondered if you could address them? Parenthetically, Dr. Cody Stanford was just appointed to the 2025 US Dietary Guideline for Americans committee.

Brand of Supplements

What brand of supplement should I buy for Glycine and Ashwandha? What company makes the best? Thx

Statins for people over 75 years of age

Hi there, I work as an osteopath at a retirement community. Most of the residents are over 75 years of age and generally very interested in their health. Of late, I have had a number of patients who tell me they have recently stopped taking a statin because the G.P. tells them that they are ineffective in their age group? I can't quite understand the rationale, and what happens to their risk. Do I send them back to the doctor for clarification, or suggest they ask for PSK9 inhibitors? Thanks Dionne Wood

Fasting and exercise during chemotherapy

I am a 64 year old female physician ( in Scarborough Ontario) recently diagnosed with a 1 cm luminal B breast cancer ( by histology and Mammaprint) about to start adjuvant chemotherapy with Doxorubicin cyclophosphamide for 4 cycles of 2 weeks each followed by paclitaxel for 4 cycles. Literature is confusing for recommendations to mitigate side effects of these cytotoxic meds. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated. Oncologist at Sunnybrook/Odette cancer centre has no real comment on topic. My BMI is 18.5 and I am formerly relatively fit.