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Gene pathway expression sequencing

Similar to below question on Human Microbiome insights - Mayo, GSK and others are using third party partners to sequence and interpret RNA gene pathway expression of microbiome, human immune cells, mitochondria. How useful is this data for individuals vs standard DNA testing?


How do we prevent arthritis? I have older friends that need hip replacements that were never athletic, and friends that need shoulder and knee surgery that were athletic. Damned if you do damned if you don’t?

Berberine for elevated Lp(a)

How do you view Nutraceuticals (specifically Berberine & Red Yeast Rice) to address slightly elevated Lp(a) and LDL-c levels in otherwise low-risk (low inflammation, healthy diet, exercise) individuals? Especially the mechanism of berberine seems interesting to upregulate hepatic ldl-receptors by the same pathway as PCSK9 inhibitors. Cheers from Germany!

Berberine for LDL-C and Lp(a)

What’s your take on Nutraceuticals (specifically Berberine and Red Yeast Rice) to address slightly elevated LDL-C and Lp(a) levels in otherwise low-risk (good diet, exercise, CRP

Dark circles under the eyes of a 2 year old

I have a 2 year old nice who has had dark circles under her eyes for almost 6 months now. On some days they are worse than on other. We have talked to a bunch of pediatricians and they just recommend multivitamins which obviously are not helping. I was wondering if you could give some pointers regarding this. Thanks a lot.