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What is the best way to measure body fat?

Can you talk about different ways to measure body fat %? Like is a $20 handheld device off of Amazon, the same or about the same as a $150 device? Or is it best to go to a lab or something to measure body fat %?

Body fat question.

What % of bodyfat and how much muscle are ideal for longevity. Is having more muscle always better with sarcopenia draining us of muscle until end of life? And what % bodyfat should we should for, are there any cognitive declines etc with greater obesity?

Insulin Resistance

Is insulin resistance reversible? If so, what type of protocol would achieve this? Recently found out through an insulin assay that I have insulin resistance. Not enough to be prediabetic, but it feels like I’m on the path to metabolic syndrome. I know I can manage it through low carb, exercise, and fasting. But I’m wondering if it’s possible to eliminate it entirely?

Is fasting a stressor to the body or can it be used as a recovery technique?

My resting heart rate tend to go down after periods of more frequent fasting, which I intepret as a good sign. It also tend to go up after sleeping poorly and having a lot of work-related stress, which is no suprise, but could I then use fasting as a technique to push it down again and recover from the stress, or will that actually contribute to increased physical stress on the body? Best, John Mollstedt, M.D.

Beth Lewis podcast. Abs are not a big deal.

In your podcast with Beth Lewis she said that abs are not that really important unless you are a bodybuilder. I am from Spain and my whole life in my fitness surroundings I have been told that the core (Mainly abs and lumbars) are the key for great stability and support the other parts of the body. My question is: What is the reason Beth says that abs are not that really important? Thank you so much Peter and team. Regards from Spain!