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Inigo San Millan Young Rider

When Inigo San Millan said he had a young rider on team UAE who had the same mental ability as Miguel Indurain, was he referring to Tadej Pogacar?

Magnesium supplement

How much SloMag & MagOx do you recommend as a daily supplement & do yo recommend split dosing?

Tumeric curcumin

Is it safe to take tumeric curcumin concurrently with Eliquis?

Uric acid test

I know you have talked about uric acid in some AMAs and with Rick. Is the test for uric acid pretty standard or is there a specific test that is better than others? Thank you.

Surgery and hospital stay protocol

What is/would be your protocol to mitigate the potential short and long-term effects of an extended hospital stay and surgery? What hacks (light therapy, infrared sauna, etc), supplementation, diet, etc. would you do pre, during and post surgery/hospital stay? I recently had an 8 day hospital stay due to pneumonia that included 2 CT scans, daily chest x-rays, multiple antibiotics including vancomycin, I was unable to leave the hospital (so circadian rhythm was also effected), and ended with thoracic surgery and 5 more days of chest tubes and hospital stay (13 days total in hospital). I would be interested to know if you would take any preventative measures pre-hospitalization and surgery, anything you would do while in the hospital and what you would do after to detox from all of the antibiotics, medications and radiation exposure and physically and mentally accelerate recovery.