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Infrared Sauna vs Steam Sauna

I enjoyed your AMA addressing cold and heat therapy. I am interested in adding a sauna to my longevity tool kit and want to know if there is any advantage/disadvantage to an infrared sauna vs the traditional steam sauna. Thanks!

Recent JAMA study

Hello, I would be interested in your interpretation of this recent JAMA study:

Thoughts on vagus nerve stimulation and devices such as Neuvana Xen?

Curious to know if you think this has a place in improving wellbeing

Strains of Covid-19 virus

Dr. Attia, We love your show and recommend it all the time to others. Would you consider discussing the different strains of Covid-19 on your show? Your insights and methods for finding out more information are superb (better than Google, right?) and we would like to see what you come up with, especially after listening to your podcast on vaccines. Thanks, George and Laurie Norman

Cleveland Clinic study on fish oil

Could you please comment on this? Is the conclusion that we should be taking 4 grams a day of only EPA, no DHA? Thank you.