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ApoB and Progestin (HRT)

Thank you for all that you do! I am a new member and I'm wondering what your thoughts on ApoB and progestin are? Some information on the web shows that taking progestin can increase ApoB levels. I'm wondering if taking bioavailable progesterone instead of synthetic progestin would help lower ApoB levels in perimenopausal women. I am about to be 43 years old and I was prescribed oral birth control pills (with Estradiol and Progestin) to manage perimenopausal symptoms. After being on the pill for a few months, I had my ApoB level tested for the first time. It came back slightly elevated at 99. I exercise regularly, eat things like olive oil and avocados, and don't smoke. I'm wondering if there are other things contributing to an elevated ApoB that I should adjust, such as oral birth control pills that I'm taking as HRT.


Thought I was doing all the right things for my health and now at 65, boom osteoporosis ! Which least invasive methods and meds can I use and implement to move forward?


Following fairly sudden loss of kidney function (eGFR 49) a subsequent kidney biopsy showed small scattered crystals leading to a diagnosis of Oxaluria. No kidney stones. Advised to severely restrict consuming oxalates which are found in lots of healthy foods (many vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, wholemeal grains, as well as tea. Some Google 'research' indicates an association with gut/metabolism/bacteria which may prevent absorption of oxalates. Would appreciate a deep dive into this topic please.


This is not a question but a please please please to have an expert on Autism come on and do a whole episode on the most recent research/science etc.

APOE e4/e4 positive result

How can I get connected to your neurocognitive testing department. I’m a 55 yr old acute care surgeon that wants to work full time til age 70 and I’m a bit pissed about this test result. Grateful for any help you can provide